Obama Declares “Permanent” War on Humanity. “It Will Take Time to Root Out ISIL”
By Stephen Lendman
Global Research
July 07, 2015
Obama heads Washington’s lunatic fringe – a criminal gang waging endless wars, deploring peace, and pursuing phony war on terrorism to advance their imperial aims while at the same time threatening humanity’s survival.
Flanked by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey and other top Pentagon warriors on Monday, Obama underscored his permanent war agenda, saying “(t)his will not be quick. This is a longterm campaign…generational,” he stressed.
“ISIL is opportunistic and it is nimble…It will take time to root them out” – especially when plans call for continued support, not defeating them.
So-called counterterrorism efforts to degrade and defeat their forces and other takfiris is a ruse – a thinly veiled scheme for endless wars against invented enemies, recruiting, arming, funding, training and using them as US proxy foot soldiers against nations it wants ravaged and destroyed.
Claiming “progress” against the Islamic State contradicts reality. Endless wars rage in multiple theaters. More are planned.
US terror bombing in Syria and Iraq aims to destroy their infrastructure, topple Assad, replace him with a US-controlled puppet, and balkanize both countries for easier control.
Saying America “will never be at war with Islam,” belies Obama’s imperial campaign against Muslim countries since day one in office.
A previous article discussed possible Turkish invasion of Syria to establish a northern buffer zone bordering both countries. Jordan may have the same thing in mind in southern Syria.
The Rest…HERE