Do Not Fear the Collapse
Do not fear the collapse. If you plan ahead you will survive or even prosper during this dark time in human history. Prepare yourselves by:
Buy as much gold as you possibly can
Get out of debt
Get out of paper
Pay off your house mortgage
Store food, water and firearms
Get ready for the greatest buying opportunity of your lifetime
Get out of the city
Purchase everything you need
Sort out your medicine cabinet
Get your spiritual house in order
People are going to turn to gold as a haven for their wealth,
when the economies of the world crash.
The elite are already hoarding gold on a massive scale,
selling their paper gold and buying physical.
In an article by Pastor Lindsay Williams hesaid, “During the great depression of 1929 to 1932 not everyone lost everything and a lot of people made a lot of money. Those who saw the signs or were warned of what was about to happen made preparations in order to survive, even thrive during this period of American history. The same opportunities will be on offer for those who prepare now for the coming collapse.
Do you want to lose everything, feed your family from a soup line and have to beg the government for the things you need? I don’t and neither should you. If you follow the advice laid out in this article you have the opportunity to not only survive the collapse, but even thrive during and after it. The sacrifices to your lifestyle that you make now will be repaid ten-fold.”
“those who have made preparations in advance, when the dust settles you can buy anything you want for pennies on the dollar”. Whether this is real estate, an automobile, food,
equipment or anything else
The Rest…HERE