Albert Pike’s World War 3 Warning Coming To Pass As Obama Prepares To Give Away ‘Whole Store’!
Live Free Or Die
February 20, 2015
With Barack Obama now showing complete support for ISIS, Hawk begins Thursday night’s radio show by reminding us of the words of 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike, words that we can now see unfolding before our eyes, as agents of the ‘illuminati’ are fomenting the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. According to Pike’s warning, World War 3 would allow for the complete destruction of Israel and the Muslim world as shared in this warning.
At the 12 minute 30 second mark, Hawk also tells us more information about Lightning Strike and Operation BOA, previously reported upon on All News Pipeline, in which Christians, patriots and supporters of the US Constitution will be ’rounded up’ and ‘squeezed’ as the New World Order system comes into being and those supporting the US republic are ‘eliminated’.
Touching on the recent shutdown of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Hawk tells us that he was warned that may have been in preparation for the start of World War 3 as Barack Obama prepares to ‘give away the whole store’ and we further see Albert Pike’s WW3 warning coming true.