Do You Really Own Your Home?
by Dave Hodges
11 Feb.,2015
The move to confiscate all privately held wealth in the United States is well underway. In the past few years, we have experienced bail-outs, planned bail-ins, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is positioning to confiscate all 401k’s and pensions and now the MERS mortgage fraud is accelerating to new heights thanks to a rash of recent State Supreme Court decisions affirming the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) right to foreclose on your home without having recorded a valid title and the foreclosure can take place outside of a courtroom.
For the past 230+ years, the Constitution protected property rights from would-be feudal lords who would suddenly appear with a title to your home and force you out. This practice worked well until the introduction of the MERS Mortgage fraud.
MERS was a conglomeration created by the megabanks for the purpose of administering mortgages. The practice quickly got out of control as one’s home mortgage title could be transfered dozens of times without notifying the homeowner. The practice quickly turned illegal when a homeowner, unknown to them, would be paying their mortgage to a title company that no longer held the title to their home. Then, the title company which currently held the note would show up and lay claim to the home in a repossession proceeding. In some cases, people with completely paid off mortgages had their homes stolen. Eventually, the people pushed back.
Show Me the Note
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