Get Ready for the Orwellian Department of the Internet

Saturday, February 7, 2015
By Paul Martin

Saturday, February 7, 2015

“Internet freedom” activists are downvoting the satirical video below into oblivion. It seems they’ve bought the line that the FCC will actually protect a free and open Internet. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Despite all the evidence that the government has been doing anything but protecting liberty, these activists still have faith that the former cable lobbyist who heads the FCC is looking out for them instead of his industry.

In fact, these righteous crusaders have successfully bullied everyone else into thinking the hands-off approach to the Internet is the crazy fringe even though that’s what worked to build the Internet. Even the Electronic Frontier Foundation supports the government’s plan to regulate the Internet.

Soon Obama will tell us “If you like your ISP, you can keep your ISP.” But this time he won’t be lying. Reality will be “If you don’t like your ISP, you must keep your ISP, and we’ll force them to be better.”

Public utilities are really just monopolistic private cartels who enjoy special government protections. Also, making ISPs “common carriers” gives the government direct access to those data lines and the identity of every user.

The Rest…HERE

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