Shameless! Meet 7 Congressmen Who Joined Lobbying Firms Less Than A Month After Leaving Office

Friday, February 6, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

If there was a walk of shame for so-called Congressional “representatives,” this list would serve as an excellent starting point. Their actions serve as definitive proof that the vast majority of politicians are only in it for money and power. They could care less about “public service” or being statesmen. If that was truly their calling in life, they wouldn’t immediately turn around and join lobbying firms the moment they leave office. Yet all they do is cash in. That’s all they ever do. The most amazing part about this article is that “by law, ex-House members are required to wait one year before they can officially lobby lawmakers on the Hill.” Naturally, professional liars and thieves won’t let something as pedestrian as ethics or rules get in the way. If there’s one thing politicians are good at, it’s finding loopholes.

The Rest…HERE

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