Critical Alert From Gregory Mannarino – Prepare Now For Full On Global Economic Collapse!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Live Free Or Die
February 4, 2015

Gregory Mannarino has just released the following ‘critical alert’ video minutes ago in which he tells us a major ‘tell’ has just been told as the Baltic Dry Index hits a 30-year low, a major sign that flies in the face of the continuing narrative of the mainstream media that ‘everything is ok’ despite what we see now unfolding worldwide. Mannarino gives us the big economic events in today’s news include more desperate acts from the world banks including China backing off of their requirements for banks to hold cash reserves to boost lending as Mannarino tells us “we are here…this is it…”

As the debt bubble continues to crack and burst, Mannarino tells us we only need to look at Venezuela as they’re in a full on collapse at this moment, with lines blocks long for people trying to get basic essentials and the military taking over the occupation of private food markets: “this is going to sweep the globe” we are warned. With more desperate actions and words soon to be coming from the central bankers, they’ll do anything that they can in order to keep up the illusion.

At the 4 minute 30 second mark we are asked to help, by becoming more involved than ever in ‘awakening’ others to what’s coming; Mannarino tells us that we should always be prepared for the absolute worst case scenario and to take heed of one of the key premise’s of Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’, to ALWAYS be prepared for any worst possible result. “There’s no way out of it at this point” Mannarino tells us of the coming global economic collapse.

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