This Threat Is Head and Shoulders Above the Rest

Tuesday, December 23, 2014
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
23 Dec., 2014

With the North Korean hackers unleashing their fury upon SONY executives over the movie The Interview, alarm bells have been raised among those who have researched the threat to our power grid. We understand how this low level threat could escalate with regard to a grave threat upon our power grid.

China, Russia and North Korea all possess significant EMP attack capabilities as was pointed out in a previous article. North Korea is a proxy state which does the bidding of China and now China’s intimate economic and military partner, Russia. Having North Korea execute a cyber-based or missile based attack upon the power grid of the United States, would provide Russia and China a thinly veiled layer of plausible deniability.

The warnings are clear and these dire warnings which tell of a threat upon our power grid have been delivered by very powerful people and as of today,these warnings have been ignored.

Warnings From On High

Some top officials in government and in business have taken notice of the threat posed to America by an EMP attack. In January of 2013, and again in her August 2013 farewell address as the outgoing Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano made it clear that it was a matter of when, not if the grid was taken down by a “cyber 911″. In this video, DHS Director, Janet Napolitano reinforces her belief that an attack upon our grid is a near, clear and present danger.

The Rest…HERE

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