EbolaGate 2014: “Ebola Stocks,” US Patient Zero, International Emergency Measures and the Statistics

Wednesday, October 1, 2014
By Paul Martin

October 1, 2014

US Patient Zero

The US CDC says it has confirmed that the anonymous patient being isolated in Texas has ebola, contracted in Liberia. Allegedly.

First of all, I find it very suspicious that we constantly hear of US patients allegedly contracting ebola and making headlines around the world, even though just as many Europeans for example are actively involved in charity and development in Africa yet we only heard of two Spanish ebola patients of which one was even an imaginary patient since the stretcher was empty. I have documented this earlier here at Truth Sector.

This new anonymous patient in Dallas is the second whose identity is being kept secret purposely and it is not because of privacy concerns and regulations, let me tell, for we shouldn’t now the identity of Kent Brantly – the Robbie Parker of the ebola outbreak – and Nancy Writebol if we follow that same reasoning. The names are kept secret or unmentioned for the very simple reason that no one can start digging up a past or start connecting dots to expose the fraud once again, as has occurred with Brantly. It allows to spin anything at will at any given moment, including more imaginary patients and more empty stretchers.

Why else would his “The Brantly Bunch” website all of a sudden be private now when IT WAS NOT PRIOR to Brantly’s act in the ebola fraud play? And that is only one of the numerous oddities for this Brantly character who works for the very dubious Samaritan’s Purse and Serving in Mission.

The Rest…HERE

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