“They Never Learn” – Russia’s Take On The “West” And The Shifting Geopolitical Balance Of Power

Sunday, March 30, 2014
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

Over the past month, there has been a lot of “Hilsenrathing”, or the biased media urgently “explaining” to the Western world, just what Russia’s actions mean both tactically in response to Ukraine developments, and strategically as part of Putin’s global perspective. So instead of relying on the broken media narrative which serves merely to perpetuate US corporate interests and rally the public behind this or that company’s geopolitical interests, here, straight from the horse’s mouth, in this case Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, how Russia sees itself in a world in which it is allegedly “isolated”, and “threatening Ukraine” with further invasion but more importantly, how the Russians view the rapidly changing global balance of power, in which post-USSR Russia has emerged from the backwood of slighted nations and stormed to the stage of nations who dare defy the former global hegemon, the US.

The Rest…HERE

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