Obama to Kill Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
By Paul Martin

Cornerstone of U.S. Naval power eliminated under Obama budget

BY: Adam Kredo
March 24, 2014

President Barack Obama is seeking to abolish two highly successful missile programs that experts say have helped the U.S. Navy maintain military superiority for the past several decades.

The Tomahawk missile program—known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile”—is set to be cut by $128 million under Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposal and completely eliminated by fiscal year 2016, according to budget documents released by the Navy.

In addition to the monetary cuts to the program, the number of actual Tomahawk missiles acquired by the United States would drop significantly—from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.

The Rest…HERE

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