Spanish ‘Anti-Austerity’ Protesters “Sick Of This System They Call Democracy”…(Demonacracy!)

Sunday, March 23, 2014
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

“I’m here to fight for my children’s future,” exclaims one father as Spaniards rallied in Madrid against poverty and EU-imposed austerity. As Reuters reports, the largely peaceful protest later marred by violent clashes in which police fired rubber bullets. The so-called “Dignity Marches” brought hundreds of thousands to the capital with banners making it clear what their feelings about record 26% unemployment were – “Bread, jobs and housing for everyone” and “Corruption and robbery, Spain’s trademark.” One protester summed up the people’s views of the government, “I’m sick of this system they call democracy… I want things to change.”

The Rest…HERE

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