Former Japan Prime Minister: Seals, polar bears dying after Fukushima radiation exposure (VIDEO)
February 3rd, 2014
japanCRUSH, Feb. 3, 2014: ‘Fukushima Radiation Killed Polar Bears’ Says Mayoral Candidate — Tokyo Metropolitan Governor election candidate Hosokawa Morihiro has gained publicity from claiming to have access to a Russian top secret document. He claims that this has revealed evidence of radiation from Fukushima killing polar bears and other animals in the Arctic Ocean.
EXSKF, Feb. 3, 2014: Tokyo Gubernatorial Candidate and Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa: “Polar Bears, Seals Dying Because of #Fukushima…” — Mr. Hosokawa on a net-based TV on January 22, 2014 […] “[P]olar bears, seals and other animals are dying in large numbers in the Arctic Ocean and other places and it is precisely due to the Fukushima accident.”
January 25, 2014: Scientists present links between unusual Alaska seal deaths and Fukushima fallout — Skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy — ‘Pulsed release’ when built-up radionuclides were set free as ice melted — “Wildlife health implications” from radiation exposure discussed (PHOTOS)
January 28, 2014: Alaska Professor on Radio: Fukushima fallout a suspected factor in ‘unusual mortality’ of seals and walrus — We couldn’t test for plutonium (AUDIO)
Watch Hosokawa’s interview here (at 18 minutes in)
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