Obama Issues Executive Order Merging Federal and Corporate Effort in War on Terror…(Facism 2.0!!)
Kurt Nimmo
October 30, 2012
Obama has again violated the Constitution by signing yet another executive order – he has passed down 141 to date – this time expanding the “pools of ineptitude, waste and civil liberties intrusions” perpetuated by the Department of Homeland Security.
Obama’s October 26 EO establishing a White House Security Partnership Council is classic fascism, or what Mussolini called corporatism — the “merger of state and corporate power.” It creates local partnerships between federal and private institutions “to address homeland security challenges.”
Collaboration between the federal government and selected“partners” – the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, foundations, community-based organizations and other “stakeholders” – will tighten government’s control of the homeland security industry. “Partnerships enhance our ability to address homeland security priorities, from responding to natural disasters to preventing terrorism, by utilizing diverse perspectives, skills, tools, and resources,” Obama’s EO states.
A “steering committee” will include representatives “at the Deputy agency head level” drawn from a potpourri of federal agencies, including the State Department, the bankster-dominated Department of Treasury and, importantly, the spooks over at Office of the Director of National Intelligence, a slot created as the war on terror gained steam. The DNI replaced the Director of Central Intelligence over at the CIA and merged operations with the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council at the heart of the national security state.
The Rest…HERE