Now The Rats Are Sinking The Leaking Ship
by Tyler Durden
While the massive population of New York City is awfully impacted by Sandy, there is a more populous and even more caustic population that is struggling with the aftermath: Rats! As Forbes notes, the NYC Subway is notorious for its rat population and with all five subway tubes now submerged, one can only imagine where these cute cuddly rabies-wielding devil rodents will make their new homes. “Rats are incredibly good swimmers and they can climb” is hardly the reassuring news lower Manhattan homeowners were looking for, and as the Daily Mail notes, this could bring infectious diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, typhus, salmonella, and even the plague into human contact. On the bright side (well not really), rats don’t need to bite a human to transmit its gross payload; rodent feces and urine can spread conditions like hantavirus just as easily – get long hand sanitizer stocks!
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