By Paul McGuire
October 29, 2012
Russia has approximately ten thousand to fifteen thousand antiballistic missiles in its defense system. Large numbers of these missiles have computer guidance systems that are programmed to hit specific targets in the United States. What if Russian antiballistic missiles come down like rain and nukes go off in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Denver or Dallas?
Is the Cold War really over? If it is, why did Russia’s Prime Minister publicly announce plans to significantly buildup the Russian military? According to a Washington Post article by Will Englund, entitled, “Putin Promises Russian Military Buildup,” “Vladimir Putin laid out his ambitious plans … for modernizing and strengthening Russia’s defense forces over the next decade, in the face of a threatening world and a powerful United States.”
“For Russia to feel secure and for our partners to listen carefully to what our country has to say,” he wrote, Moscow must spend about $775 billion by 2022 for new armaments and a more professional military.”
For decades Russia has been building up a vast network of underground bunkers and nuclear blast shelters. Some military experts secretly believe that Russia is secretly preparing for World War III. Other intelligence experts are speculating that Russia may be planning a future attack on the United States. The Russians have been storing grain, foodstuffs, gold, and oil and diesel fuel. Russian underground bunkers can store 326 million tons of grain, and their military can store up another 80 million tons of grain.
Before the Soviet Union fell, the Russian military believed that it could be possible to win a nuclear war with America, and so they have prepared for it. Russia continues to prepare for the possibility of nuclear war with the United States. Since the 1960’s the Russians have been building underground cities in case of nuclear war. Russia has a giant underground complex the size of Washington D.C., called “Evil Mountain,” or Yamantau Mountain. The purpose of “Evil Mountain” and other complexes is to enable the Russian elite to survive a nuclear war.
The Russian military is drafting by the fall, at least 50 thousand men to join the Russian army. Russia is also setting up new naval bases, including bases in Vietnam and Cuba. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, demanded that Russia stop building nuclear missiles from Cuba.
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