In Advance Of Frankenstorm Sandy, NYC Suspending All Transit Services At 7:00 PM Sunday
by Tyler Durden
It seems like it was only yesterday that the panic ahead of Hurricane Irene, which was a light breeze by the time it hit NYC, was being spread by various government agencies and every possible media. It is deja vu time, and moments ago, in order to be “fully prepared” ahead of Frankenstorm Sandy, NY governor Cuomo just announced that at 7:00 pm tonight, the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, i..e., subways, buses and trains, is suspending all service at 7:00 pm (and 1,100 national guards are being activated). This also means that tomorrow Wall Street will be a complete ghost town as everyone takes a day off, and the algos will be the only ones in charge (more or less as usual).
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