28 Good Questions That The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking
Why is there so little trust in the mainstream media these days? CNN ratings have been hovering close to record lows over the past few months. A recent Gallup survey found that 60 percent of all Americans “have little or no trust” in the mainstream media. That was a record high according to Gallup. So why is this happening? Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media quit telling the truth a long time ago. The mainstream media has an agenda, and more Americans than ever are beginning to recognize this. Once upon a time, control of the news in the United States was at least somewhat decentralized. But now there are just six giant media corporations that control almost everything that we see, hear and watch. The version of “the news” that they give us is designed to serve the interests of those corporate giants and the other corporate giants that spend billions of dollars to advertise their products through those outlets. Watching the news on television can be an extremely frustrating experience these days. Yes, there are little bits and pieces of the truth in there, but you have to wade through an awful lot of “infotainment” to get to those bits and pieces. That is one of the reasons why the “alternative media” has absolutely exploded in recent years. The American people are hungry for the truth, and they are increasingly turning to alternative sources of news on the Internet in an attempt to find it.
We live at a time when the world is changing more rapidly than ever before. Just about everything that can be shaken is being shaken, and anyone with half a brain realizes that we are heading for challenges that previous generations never even could have imagined.
There certainly is no shortage of news, but instead of focusing on the terribly important issues that we are facing, the mainstream media feeds us an endless stream of fluff, scandals and celebrities.
Just check out some of the headlines that I found on the front pages of major mainstream news websites today….
“Man Dies After Roach-Eating Contest”
“Ex-NFL Cheerleader Admits To Sex With Minor”
“Facebook Rolls Out Pinterest-Like Tool For Buying Stuff”
“Grumpy Cat Becomes Internet Sensation”
So what should the mainstream media really be talking about today?
The following are 28 good questions that the mainstream media should be asking….
The Rest…HERE