Dutch Prepare To “Awaken Sleeping Giant” As GRExit Plans Resume
by Tyler Durden
On the inaugural day of the much-awaited holy grail of Europe – the ESM – DutchNews.nl reports that Dutch diplomats in Athens have been secretly planning for an eventual Greek exit from the eurozone (along four themes – liquidity, energy, communications, and security). “We have deliberately strictly kept this behind closed doors”, a Dutch diplomat told Volkskrant, adding “I do not know who has trumpeted.” Among the Dutch companies doing business in Greece are Heineken, Unilever, and Philips as one business owner note that they “send cash back to the Netherlands as soon as possible – holding as little money in Greece as possible.” While the foreign affairs ministry would not confirm, the paper cites a diplomat who commented: “we do not want to awaken any sleeping giants.” We suspect you just did – sshh!
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