Will The American Dictatorship, The War Machine and the Police State Survive a Dollar and Economic Collapse?
October 4, 2012
Right now our government is going insane. It is not a well thought through response, this is reaction of desperation. An economic collapse and an economic implosion will be a long term blessing in disguise because we are out from under the banker choke hold on our government or economy. We just have to be aware of carpetbaggers trying to sell a cashless society tricking us to get back into odious debt saying we owe this money when we were put on the hook without our consent.
We can hear all day about it is the end of the world when the dollar collapse and this high tech overlay of tyranny will takeover. Times will be tough and maybe this hardcore police state might be in a few select areas like New York, Chicago and the North East States with a handful of big cities. That might not last for long at all because the US government will not be able to pay it bills because the tax base is not there to pay for all this manpower to suppress the population.
When we have a government that spends money in a way that makes a drunken sailor look like a penny pincher. There is a revenue shortfall, countries will no longer buy our debt and the Federal Reserve Bank printing money furthering devaluing the currency cannot sustain itself. When the dollar and the economy collapses, the government implodes soon after because the system does not have the money to function.
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