The Revolt of the Patsies – A Bump in the Road to the New World Order?
By Servando gonzalez
October 1, 2012
How this can happen in a country we have helped to liberate?
—CFR agent Hitlary Clinton.
Well, clueless Hitlary, this has happened and will keep happening because nobody in the world, except brainwashed Repucrats and CFR minions and lackeys like you, believe that the reasons why CFR agents[1] conspired in the shadows to destabilize Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and other Middle East countries using fanatic Muslims as patsies to overthrow governments in which the sycophantic CFR-controlled mainstream media[2] conveniently labeled “the Arab Spring,” was to liberate and bring democracy to these countries.[3] On the contrary, as the cases of Iran, Guatemala, Chile, and many other countries show, the CFR conspirators have brought more tyranny and dictatorship to the world than democracy.
Currently, only the most gullible, brainwashed Americans believe that the so-called Arab Spring was the result of the spontaneous rebellion of democratically-minded young people organizing and communicating through their i-phones. It is a known fact that the U.S. government, particularly the CIA, incited the riots and provided technical and material support to the rebels. Proof of it this that Saudi Arabia, probably the most anti-democratic country in the Middle East, but which has always had the conspirators’ full support, was immune to the rebellious youth .
Allegedly, the cause for the protests still going on was the airing of a low-budget film, privately produced in the United States, that portrays Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a child molester. It sparked violent protests in many Muslim countries, many of them outside U.S. diplomatic posts around the world. Hitlary’s first reaction to the attack on the U.S. consulate at Benghazi[4] was putting the blame on the creators of the anti-Muslin film that allegedly triggered the riots. Next day, she sharpened her criticism of the film calling it “disgusting and reprehensible,” and a cynical attempt to offend people for their religious beliefs.[5] Coming from Hillary Clinton, however, a proud member of a political party that just a few days before had almost unanimously agreed to erase the word God from its party platform, it is nothing but a cynical attempt to not offend people with some non-Christian religious beliefs. Soon after, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice (CFR), declared that the attacks were spontaneous, not premeditated.[6]
The Rest…HERE