Warning: If You Want To Leave The US, Do It Soon – Game Changer – Infrastructure For RFID Chip Rollout And Mandatory Vaccines, Ready Now!

Sunday, February 15, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Susan Duclos
February 14, 2015

[UPDATE] – For those that doubt the US government can, and are fully ready, to implement a mandatory RFID program, (discussed below) consider the information just brought to my attention, which shows that there is already a plan in the works “by major carrier airlines requiring passengers to be vaccinated,” for domestic travel, supposedly in the name of “preventing larger outbreaks,” of diseases.

The FAA source, speaking on condition of anonymity explains that many of the airlines have, “had it with the anti-vaccination arguments and don’t want to be left with the guilt and partial responsibility when a preventable disease spreads by way of air travel.” It is assumed that a valid vaccination record will be required upon check in before travelers embark on their journey. “It’ll add another step to the flight process, but the airlines, so far, are willing to absorb any costs associated with it,” said the FAA source.

With the vaccine and autism link now reaching a fevered pitch after an Italian court awarding compensation to a boy for vaccine-induced autism. (See the Italian document here,) and the US media blacking out the story and not reporting it, and the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, awarding millions of dollars to two children with autism for “pain and suffering” and lifelong care of their injuries, there is ample evidence as to why US citizens may be leery of vaccines.

The bottom line here is the “no vaccine, no fly” proposal can easily spread to the “no RFID Chip, no fly,” issue discussed by Doug and Joe Hagmann below. [End Update]

In Friday’s Hagmann and Hagmann show there is a “game changer” as Doug Hagmann calls it when Joe Hagmann connects the dots of older and more recent Executive Orders and laws, showing how a geneological database of Americans has already been compiled and government is now consolidating the information agencies and their ability to move the information, now that it is all gathered, to where they need it to be.

Reading from EO’s and military PDFs, Joe Hagmann manages to tie together the facts the mainstream media hasn’t bothered to even attempt to inform the public of.

The bottom line is that the Infrastructure is already in place to rollout the RFID chips portion of the agenda, “whether they want to roll it out tomorrow or in ten years.”

The Rest…HERE

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