3 Last Minute Survival Scenarios

Sunday, March 3, 2013
By Paul Martin

Zen Gardner
Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

by SurvivingSurvivalism.com


We know that waiting till the last second is not a good idea, but for some it is the only option. So we have taken three possible average scenarios and broken them down for you. All scenarios will include a family of 4 – Mom, Dad and two kids under high school age – living in the suburbs of a megaplex city…

Scenario #1

You have a few cases of water
You have some freeze-dried storage food, maybe a 30 day supply.
You have some sleeping bags and some basic camping supplies.
You have a general idea of the area to which you want to go.
You think maybe something might happen in which case you could need to get your family out of the city.
All supplies are in the garage, ready to load into your minivan should the need arise.

You live in a suburban area of a mexaplex city – first and foremost, where the hell are you going to go? If you are starting out with only a general idea of where to go, you are planning to fail. Knowing exactly where you are going and a little preparation are very much in order. Even if your plan is to squat on BLM land, National Forest Service land or private land, just having a general idea of where you are going is dangerous. You, see, in your suburb of a megaplex area, how many other people have the same general idea? Of those of like mind, most likely that’s a very high percentage. So have something better than a general idea. Know exactly where you are going and if it’s remote enough, you can hide supplies (not what you must have for survival, but that which you would like to have with you there) in the trees. You just need a cammo cargo net and some rope. Hoist it high into a tree, hidden by the foliage.

Here is an idea I’ve been discussing with people lately. Call it “Free Advice”: If you have no where to go then the National Forrest my be your best bet. There are several very remote FREE National Forrest camp grounds, (http://www.forestcamping.com/dow/list/nflist.htm) that you can take advantage of. There is one around here (20 miles away) that is very remote and almost no one comes around unless its elk season (Sept. thru Dec.). So before you decide on a campground, check out what dates are the hunting season. Some National Forrest campgrounds have water, some have toilet dumps, most have toilets, some have showers… I have even seen a laundrette at one, and almost no one ever using it. The occasional park ranger will pass by. The Free campground space can by used for 14 consecutive days at a time. Some park rangers interpret this to mean that you must leave the park others interpret it that you have to move to another space in the same campground every 14 days. Either way, if you had to leave the park for one day, only to return the next day, that works, too.

The Rest…HERE

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