Homeland Security Will Use The Excuse Of A Wartime Crisis To Liquidate The Resistance To The Police State

Sunday, February 5, 2012
By Paul Martin

Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator.com
February 5th, 2012
Homeland Fascism, November 25, 2002 – ????

“The soul is the perceiver and revealer of truth. We know truth when we see it, let skeptic and scoffer say what they choose. Foolish people ask you, when you have spoken what they do not wish to hear, ‘How do you know it is truth, and not an error of your own?’ We know truth when we see it, from opinion, as we know when we are awake that we are awake. It was a grand sentence of Emanuel Swedenborg, which would alone indicate the greatness of that man’s perception,–”It is no proof of a man’s understanding to be able to affirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false,–this is the mark and character of intelligence.” In the book I read, the good thought returns to me, as every truth will, the image of the whole soul. To the bad thought which I find in it, the same soul becomes a discerning, separating sword, and lops it away. We are wiser than we know.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Oversoul.

The threat that most unsettles the criminal U.S. ruling class is not the threat of Iran or the threat of terrorism, but the threat of a second American revolution, triggered by the political awakening of the American people.

The scale of America’s political awakening and mankind’s political awakening is too demographically large and geographically widespreadto manage, ignore, or suppress with traditional methods of control such as propaganda and the political manipulation of elections.

The incredible rise of Ron Paul’s popularity despite the media conspiracy against him as well as the growing influence of the global alternative media are proof that the American mass media has become an ineffective mind control tool.

The murderous and traitorous owners of Homeland Security Fascism who staged the tragic 9/11 events know very well that the political awakening of the American people represents the biggest threat to their existence. The growing public awareness of deceptions and crimes by the bankster dominated U.S. government is causing a volcanic political and psychological rift between the American people and the globalist oligarchs.

The Rest...HERE

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