Sunday, April 28, 2019
By Paul Martin

Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America’s borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the “right” to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone’s “right”. So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City?

by Geoffrey Grider
April 28, 2019

Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.

From the moment Donald Trump became president of the United States, Pope Francis has been relentlessly attacking him personally and politically regarding illegal immigration. Pope Francis believes that illegals should have free access to the United States anytime they so choose, our laws regarding immigration notwithstanding. Now it has been revealed that the Roman pope has put his money where his mouth is, and has begun funding the migrant caravans that wish to illegally gain access to America.

This is a pretty bold move considering that the Roman pontiff is supposed to be a “man of peace”, but Jorge Mario Bergoglio is nothing of the kind. Remember that he is not only the pope of the Roman church, he is also the king of the Roman Vatican city state known as the Holy See. Francis is a man of war, a man of conquest, and will not sit idly by and allow America to operate as a sovereign nation.

The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law.

Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America’s borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the “right” to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone’s “right”. So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City?

US border closed

The Rest…HERE

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