You Got Trumped: Bannon banned and Cohn-Kushner establishment advanced

Friday, April 28, 2017
By Paul Martin

By David Haggith
April 28, 2017

Another big move in the last couple of weeks has been the sidelining of Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon as the Goldman-Sachs group wins more influence in the White House. Bannon has been the guardian of the anti-establishment hopes that put Candidate Trump in office.

“Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), one of the president’s most vocal backers on Capitol Hill, said he’s been disheartened by the chief strategist’s isolation. “A lot of us look at Steve Bannon as the voice of conservatism in the White House,” said King, who has known Bannon for years. (Politico)

As Newsmax reports,

“In a White House marked by infighting, top economic aide Gary Cohn, a Democrat and former Goldman Sachs banker, is muscling aside some of President Donald Trump’s hard-right advisers to push more moderate, business-friendly economic policies…. More than half a dozen sources on Wall Street and in the White House said Cohn has gained the upper hand over Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, the former head of the right-wing website Breitbart News…. White House sources say he will lead the charge for Trump on top domestic priorities such as tax reform, infrastructure and deregulation…. Crucially, Cohn also has the trust of Jared Kushner, Trump’s adviser and son-in-law, and his wife Ivanka, Trump’s daughter.

The family business

Cohn and Kushner met at Goldman Sachs when Kushner was an intern there. Jared Kushner is, of course, the president’s son-in-law, married to Ivanka Trump. It was Kushner who paved the way for Cohn to meet Donald Trump after Trump became president-elect. Trump and Cohn did not know each other during the campaign.

Kushner and Bannon, on the other hand, largely butted heads in the months that followed the election. In a family business, it doesn’t pay to run at odds with the family, and the White House seems to be running as a family business.

While Trump seems to thrive on chaos and conflict as a leadership principle, the conflict became too much even for him, so two weeks ago he ordered Bannon and Kushner to find a way to “knock it off” and make it work. Trump moved Bannon out of his involvement in intelligence affairs and then began to undercut him publicly in interviews.

The Rest…HERE

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