The Globalist Ten Point Plan to Destroy America

Friday, July 3, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
03 July, 2015

Awakened Americans have been so focused on the threats to our safety and security by Jade Helm, that we have lost sight of the fact that Russia has spent years encircling the United States will attack from three directions. Part One of this series detailed how President Obama has left Alaska defenseless and there are tens of thousands of Russian troops inside the United States which will serves as a 5th column force when the invasion begins. Further. has allowed the open importation of an unknown, but large force, of Russian soldiers into the United States since 2010. Amazingly, this done at a time when Russia has repeatedly threatened to nuke the United States of Syria and Ukraine. How do all theses events coalesce and work together to spell doom for the United States?

The Order of Things to Come

One does not need to be Nostradamus to see what is coming our way. Without divine intervention, America is doomed. When one spends anytime analyzing the actions of the globalists and their minions, the future of things to come is easy to determine because we have insight into their play book.

We are in the midst of following a well-scripted plan:

1. The destruction of the economy of the United States through the passage of devastating free trade agreements and the credit swap derivatives bail-outs.

2. The destruction of the Constitution and any semblance of civil liberties in a post-9/11 country (i.e. combating the orchestrated terrorist threat through the NDAA, Executive Order 136o3, the creation of the TSA and DHS, the John Warner Defense Act, etc.).

3. The destruction of America’s Christian heritage through the murder of 60 million babies, the legalization of gay marriage and the proliferation of anti-Christian lifestyle in the media.

4. The implementation of false flag events designed to increase the depth and breadth of the police state (e.g. 9/11, Boston Marathon Bombing, etc.) as well as the demonizing of good Americans as domestic terrorists (e.g. former Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Bible-believing Christians, etc.).

5. Precipitating false flag events designed to hasten martial law (e.g. economic collapse) and we see the introduction of Jade Helm.

The Rest…HERE

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