INTERVIEW: Jeffrey Prather lays out how Trump, the DoD and Chris Miller DEFEAT the deep state traitors and save America
by: Mike Adams Friday, November 27, 2020 Jeffrey Prather ( is a former DIA intelligence analyst, former DEA investigations officer, served on the B Team of special operations forces, and is now an intelligence analyst working to save America from its enemies, both foreign and domestic. Since the rigged election took place, Prather... »
Full transcript: Brannon Howse interview with General Thomas Mclnerney – 2020 election was “largest cyberwarfare attack on a democracy in history”
by: Mike Adams Friday, November 27, 2020 Loads of bombshells in this interview. Full video embedded below the transcript. Originally aired Nov. 23, 2020. Covers HAMR (HAMMER), Scorecard, election theft, military intelligence, cyber warfare and more. Link to the full interview on General Mclnerney Interview with Brannon Howse, via The... »
Executing the 10% Solution Is the Only Way to Avoid the “Final Solution”
by Dave Hodges Friday, November 27, 2020 I am well aware of the work that Steve Quayle, Gary Heavin and Mike Adams have done with regard to what’s in tne vaccine and what the real purpose is the ushering in of the transhumanism age which also requires the parallel event of depopulation. »
The Coup Against America Is Nearly Complete! ‘Tis Time to Part! Red States Must Separate From Blue State Tyranny!!!
by Dave Hodges New Hydra link hydraclubbioknikokex7njhwuahc2l67lfiz7z36md2jvopda7nchid.onion on the top portal of instant bookmarks in the onion network hydraruzxpnew4af onion. Tuesday, November 24, 2020 In the present moment, the people of the United States, the President, and our form of government have been the victim of a successful coup, through a the implementation of a fraudulent election system and a wholly corrupt judiciary. The takeover is so complete that the... »
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world
by: Mike Adams Thursday, November 19, 2020 We have a major intelligence update regarding the election theft and treason by the deep state and Democrats. First, Trump’s legal team — consisting of Rudy Giuliani, Joe Digenova, Sidney Powell and others — held a very hard-hitting press conference today in which they laid out... »
The Fox News Psyop Upon America
by Dave Hodges New Hydra link hydraclubbioknikokex7njhwuahc2l67lfiz7z36md2jvopda7nchid.onion on the top portal of instant bookmarks in the onion network hydraruzxpnew4af onion. Thursday, November 19, 2020 Did you hear about the 43 South Koreans that died from flu vaccinations that the mainstream media just continues to bury? There are medical treatments that help and that hurt. The ones that hurt humanity are buried and covered up in the mainstream media (MSM). The... »
Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public”…”.says “masks are utterly useless.”
Paul Joseph Watson 18 November, 2020 Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip... »
The Democratic Party Corruption Is So Complete, Only the Invocation of the Insurrection Act Will Save the Republic
by Dave Hodges New Hydra link hydraclubbioknikokex7njhwuahc2l67lfiz7z36md2jvopda7nchid.onion on the top portal of instant bookmarks in the onion network hydraruzxpnew4af onion. Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Most Americans, over half to be exact, are fully cognizant that this election was stolen. A brief and cursory look at our election process and related factors clearly reveal how the election was stolen and how threatening this election is to the national security, economic fortunes,... »
How Joe Biden was ‘recruited’ to become agent of Chinese Communist party
While Joe was cutting deals with China, the Chinese Communist party was putting its hooks into him Mon Nov 2, 2020 November 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Peter Schweizer has already established that everyone in Joe Biden’s immediate family was profiting from his position as vice president. Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’ has revealed... »
“Obamagate” film destroys Russian collusion conspiracy theory
by: Ethan Huff Monday, November 02, 2020 To help combat all the lies and misinformation constantly coming from the left, filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinny, known for their film Gosnell, have released a new feature called Obamagate that tears to shreds the Russian collusion conspiracy theory still being propagated by Democrats. Available... »