Thursday, February 19, 2015
By Paul Martin

Jeff Berwick

The end of the American empire is happening before our very eyes and it is astonishing how, among the preponderance of information, people still do not see the writing on the wall. Every day I am seeing stories that I consider signs of The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI).

In the Snowden leaks we learned that the NSA was spying on the SWIFT payment system, which led to Russia, and other nations, to develop their own alternative to the SWIFT system.

With tensions regarding SWIFT already high, the UK threatened in 2014 to remove Russia from SWIFT (which SWIFT said it was not interested in doing), and so Russia and China then moved forward on their plans to create a de-dollarized SWIFT competitor. Russia detailed the SWIFT-alternative in November and set a launch date for May 2015.

Medvedev warned last month of “unlimited reaction” if Russia was cut off from the SWIFT payments system. Needless to say, tensions have been high over global payments as nation-states continue posturing for TEOTMSAWKI. All the more reason to learn about Bitcoin.

The Rest…HERE

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