Saudi Arabia And ISIS Both Want The Same Thing: World Domination

Thursday, February 5, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Michael Snyder
February 4th, 2015

When ISIS released a video which showed Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive, it shocked the entire planet. The evil that it takes to do such a thing is on a level that is almost unspeakable. In the western world, we have a very hard time understanding what would motivate anyone to take a life in such a manner. But in the Middle East, this brand of tyranny has been percolating for a very, very long time. The brand of Islam that ISIS seeks to impose on the areas of Iraq and Syria that it has conquered has been practiced in Saudi Arabia for centuries. Just like ISIS, Saudi Arabia also publicly flogs those that “insult Islam”. Just like ISIS, Saudi Arabia also beheads those that commit serious violations of sharia law. And it is no secret that the Saudis have been pouring billions upon billions of dollars into organizations that promote jihad all over the globe. But because they have a quarter of the world’s oil reserves and they pretend to be our friends, we don’t say anything. They may be more subtle than ISIS, but ultimately they have the same goal as ISIS. When it is all said and done, the Saudis and ISIS both agree that Islam will ultimately rule the world one day. The only disagreement is about how to get there.

Approximately one out of every seven people in the world is Muslim. And the heart of the Muslim world can be found in Saudi Arabia. When ISIS militants publicly flog and behead people for not submitting to sharia law, they are just copying what Saudi Arabia has been doing for centuries. For example, a Saudi blogger was just recently sentenced to 1,000 lashes for “insulting Islam“. And on average there is a beheading in Saudi Arabia every four days.

So where is the outrage?

Is it only wrong when ISIS does it?

Lately, ISIS beheadings have not been achieving as much shock value in the media, so they have upped the ante. The following is how the Jerusalem Post described the brutal execution of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS…

Beaten, caged, and burned alive, Muath al-Kasaesbeh, a Jordanian pilot engaged in a global mission against Islamic State, is the latest victim of the brutal terrorist network.

A video released online on Tuesday showed his murder from several angles. He is seen, apparently soaked in an accelerant. A line of fire approaches a barred pen, encircles the prisoner, and consumes him.

Jordan’s armed forces confirmed Kasaesbeh’s death to his family, vowing to avenge him with “strong, earth-shaking and decisive” action.

So precisely how did Jordan choose to respond?

They hung two ISIS jihadists.

One of them was a woman.

And if Islam ever did rule the world, this is the kind of “justice” that would prevail everywhere.

In the western world, we have been so trained to accept that the Saudis are our “friends” that we never really stop to consider their nightmarish violations of human rights.

The Rest…HERE

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