Camille Paglia: Democrats Are Colluding With The Media To Create Chaos

Sunday, May 28, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Emily Jashinky, originally in the Washingtonm Examiner,
May 28, 2017

Camille Paglia is much more worried about the media than about the steady string of Trump-related scandals they claim to be uncovering.

In a Tuesday interview with the Washington Examiner, Paglia excoriated the press for its coverage of Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey and his alleged sharing of classified information with Russian officials.

Fresh off a spirited panel with Christina Hoff Sommers hosted by the Independent Women’s Forum, the iconic feminist dissident, who serves as a professor of media studies at the University of the Arts, accused journalists of colluding with the Democratic Party in an effort to damage the Trump administration.

“Democrats are doing this in collusion with the media obviously, because they just want to create chaos,” she said when asked to comment on the aforementioned stories.

“They want to completely obliterate any sense that the Trump administration is making any progress on anything.”

The popular author, whose latest book was released in March, pointed to early struggles experienced by previous presidential administrations to illustrate the media’s bias against Trump. “Obama’s administration for the first six months was chaos,” Paglia recalled. “Bill Clinton’s was chaos for six months. Nobody holds that against a new person.”

“Those two guys had actually been politicians!” she continued, noting Trump’s relative inexperience with government operations.
Paglia’s assessment of media bias in the Trump era leaves little room for optimism.

“I am appalled at the behavior of the media,” she declared. “It’s the collapse of journalism.”

The Rest…HERE

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