Had It With Police? Peacekeeper App Can ‘Revolutionize Neighborhood Protection’

Thursday, July 9, 2015
By Paul Martin

Mac Slavo
July 9th, 2015

Let’s face it: police are a controversial subject these days.

The inventor of an app called Peacekeeper aims to introduce a “disruptive and cutting edge” alternative platform to personal and neighborhood protection that involves notifying trusted “tribe” members during an emergency with the tap of a button.

Countless stories of systematic corruption and shocking killings in the hands of police have left many wondering if it is even worth dialing 9-1-1, or whether police presence could make a difficult situation worse. With domestic disturbances or episodes with mentally impaired individuals, calling law enforcement could lead to arrests or even deaths, when temporary restraint and a moment for calm is perhaps what is needed. Every situation is different

Even with the best intentions and training, police are notorious for being minutes away when seconds count, as police investigate far more violent crimes after the fact than they stop or prevent.

Is there a better way? Peacekeeper CEO Cody Drummand is trying. He claims that the Peacekeeper app offers “far superior protection system than the status quo protection offered by police.”

Peacekeeper is the world’s first decentralized, peer-to-peer protection system. We aim to build a new smartphone app, Peacekeeper 2.0.

It will be a superior protection system, an amazing alternative to the status quo. It will allow individuals to take personal protection to a whole new level.

That’s why we’re building Peacekeeper. If the idea of a decentralized, fast, agile protection system that does an end-run around the State is something that appeals to you, contribute now and help us turn this vision into a reality.

The Rest…HERE

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