Serbian warns America: FIGHT NOW before you are weakened and enslaved under socialism tyranny
By Ethan Huff
The United States is at a critical juncture. Americans have the choice to either step up and fight for their rights amid mass deception and escalating tyranny, or sit back and do nothing – which most appear to be doing – while the globalist overlords have their way in bringing to fruition the final solution.
If this sounds like alarmist fearmongering, then you are woefully ignorant of history, to be quite frank. The path that America is now on has been traveled before, and suffice it to say that this path has never once led to anything good. Listen for yourself as a Serbian patriot who lived through this very thing 20 years ago offers a history lesson about what happened in his native homeland:
It was the year 2000, as a little background, when Serbia faced a similar crossroads as the one America now does in 2020. The Serbian people held an election that saw “significant irregularities,” much like our own, resulting in mass protests. Just two days later, Slobodan Miloševi?, who had been reigning in the country as a socialist since the 1980s, resigned after brave Serbian patriots took a bulldozer to the Radio Television of Serbia building, considered to be a symbol of Miloševi?’s propaganda regime.
This victory against Miloševi?’s evil regime continues to be celebrated annually in Serbia as the 5 October Overthrow, and it is powerfully relevant to Americans today. Will we sit idly by while the mainstream media installs a socialist Biden-Harris regime, or will we take a stand against the corruption that brought us here?
As the above video warns, socialism once installed “will never leave.” It never fully left Serbia, despite the populist uprising that ousted Miloševi?, and is still present all across Eastern Europe in many other nations where it was ushered in by force.
“The world that you know will stop existing,” the Serbian patriot warns. “You will never reclaim it again. Never. The Russians couldn’t. The Ukrainians couldn’t. Baltic guys couldn’t. Czechs, Slavs, Poles, Serbs … not a single one was able to overthrow them.”
Will you be a coward, or will you be a patriot?
The Rest…HERE