Tech Tyranny: Twitter Censors Tom Fitton’s Accurate and Logical Tweet on Voter Fraud to Protect Joe Biden
By Jim Hoft
November 2, 2020
Twitter is determined to influence the 2020 election.
The far left social media giant is doing everything it can to stifle free speech in the United States.
The leftists on staff believe their words and positions are the only approved speech.
And Twitter continues to censor President Trump’s account to show him who’s really in charge!
On Monday Twitter censored Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton for posting a completely accurate and logical argument.
Tom Fitton tweeted out: “Counting ballots that arrive after Election Day means countless ballots can be placed in mail after the in-person polls close (but before midnight). How does this not increase risk of voter fraud?”
Sadly, this factual and logical statement was not approved by the far left Twitter gods and so they censored Tom’s remarks.
This is electioneering to help Joe Biden.
The Rest…HERE