Video: Senile Biden Thinks He’s Running Against “George”

Monday, October 26, 2020
By Paul Martin

His wife had to say ‘Trump’ three times before he remembered who the President is

Steve Watson
26 October, 2020

During a virtual event this past weekend, Joe Biden’s brain failed again, as he couldn’t remember who the President is, instead calling him “George”.

Stating that the election will determine “what kind of country we’re going to be,” Biden then declared that “Four more years of George, uh, George, uh, he, uh—”

His brain finally kicked into gear after his wife whispered ‘Trump’ three times, stating “if, uh, Trump gets elected, uh, we’re gonna be, uh, we’re gonna be in a different world.”


The Rest…HERE

One Response to “Video: Senile Biden Thinks He’s Running Against “George””

  1. Caroline

    At this stage of Bide(t)’s dementia it may very well awaken one morning and nuke Atlanta or New Yalk or ??? Heaven forbid that it gets close to any ordnance that could do serious damage to America.

    Remember to wash your hands after you use the Bidet.

    TRUMP 2020-2024 AND ???


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