The Newly Formed Alliance Between Trump & Mexican President AMLO Is Temporarily Blocking a Chinese Led Red Dawn Invasion of the United States

Monday, October 19, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Monday, October 19, 2020

The preparation plans for a Red Dawn invasion of the United States is beginning to take definitive shape and form. This multi part article explores this plot.

Forces loyal to Mexican President, AMLO, are attempting to save their country from a complete takeover of CHICOM forces. The targets of the takeover are threefold at this point in time and include the following.

1.Mexican Pacific ports.
2.Mexico’s potentially massive energy industry.
3.Control of Mexican northern states. This goal is critical to China’s long-term goal of invading the southern under-belly of the United States through what is typically referred to as the Red Dawn.

In this article, direct evidence, much of it has been previously published on the CSS, which demonstrates the Chinese move to control Mexican energy. This is being done for two reasons:

1.The CHICOMS do indeed need cheap energy source that they control if they are going to wage war in Central and North America and it needs to be cemented in Mexico’s northern states in order to avoid the pitfall of long supply lines.
.2If the CHICOMS are able gain absolute control of Mexican energy, they can control AMLO and Mexico can be used as a staging area for a Red Dawn offensive.

There is a third element to this plot that supersedes control of energy and that is to plunge Mexico’s northern states into civil war and the Chinese are using their control of the cartels and some very corrupt governors to achieve this aim. In the vacuum created by this civil war, the CHICOMS will assume control through their proxy cartel subordinates. This aspect of CHICOM control of Mexico will be presented in the article in this series with definitive proof that names public figures, covert American Deep State support and the role of the Chinese as well as the drug cartels (eg Sinaloa and CJNG) that the Chinese effectively control.

If CHICOMS Can’t Control Public Officials They Will Murder Them

The Rest…HERE

One Response to “The Newly Formed Alliance Between Trump & Mexican President AMLO Is Temporarily Blocking a Chinese Led Red Dawn Invasion of the United States”

  1. laura ann

    So when is this freakin’ invasion going to be?


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