As the CHICOMS Move to Establish Dominance over Canada, Mexico and the United States, Will All Three Countries Erupt Into Civil War?

Thursday, October 15, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Thursday, October 15, 2020

I love the Canadian people. They have been such wonderful friends since the War of 1812. However, with the recent state of affairs, Trudeau should cange the name of Canada to Canuckastan as the United States has been totally betrayed by their former ally. In fact, in previous podcasts, I have called for a breaking off of relations with China and Trump should establish impose a tax on all Canadian goods entering the country.

Cannuckastan, formerly known as Canada is playing host to Middle East terrorists on the east-end of the country. On the west-end of the country, it seems like, to many locals, that Vancouver and the rest of British Colombia (BC) are being overrun with the CHICOM military as they sit poised to enter the United States as well as CHICOMS on our southern border.

On The Common Sense Show.TV, I recently interviewed Pastor Sam Honnold, who lives in Mexico and describes how the CHICOMS destabilizing the Mexican states on the border. And who is destabilizing these territories in an attempt to start a Mexican Civil War, it is none other than the CHICOMS who are using mechanized cartel units to accomplish this destabilizing goal. The cartels are being supplied by China. Why? They are trying to overthrow AMLO for supporting Trump and trying to limit CHICOM influence to house anymore Chinese troops as a prelude to invasion.

The CHICOMS in BC have no opposition from Trudeau as they do in Mexico from AMLO.

America will soon be hit from all directions. There is one saving grace, we have 100 million gun owners in this country and 7 million veterans of fighting age.

A Tale of Two Canada’s

The communications I am receiving from Canada are nothing short of comical in terms of the two extremes. Here are two examples, one of each extreme:

“Attention Dave Hodges

You are a lying a…hole! There are absolutely no Chinese in Vancouver other than Canadian citizens who are of Asian descent! I run through Stanley Park and there is nothing going on. Trudeau would never side with the Chinese against your country. Stop lying you mother……

“Mr. Hodges,

I am legitimately frightened. I work for Vancouver and we provide essential services to the people. I cannot be more specific because I am afraid of being discovered. There are some of us who know what is really going on and you have correctly identified the Chinese influence and domination of Canada.

The criminal corruption at our ports has diminished greatly. It is not because the RMCP is doing a great job. It is because the Chinese are running our ports and they bringing in Chinese soldiers and military supplies. The Chinese may not be in uniform, but they are military and we all know it!

Mr. Hodges, you are correct, sir, the States are about to get invaded. There is a second concern and I am sure you are aware of it. Our government took bids for nearly 40,000 tear gas cannisters. They are doing this because we are about to get locked down again and this time the people will resist!

Also, our government is taking bids and considering offers from private parties to provide detention centers. In the states, you call them Fema Camps. My colleagues are aware of this and we see this as the establishment of concentration camps here in Canada. God help us. When we consider these two happenings, it is clear that Trudeau is going to enforce a great lockdown like what you have been reporting on in Melbourne and when the people rebel, they will be gassed and they are also going to be put into these concentration camps.

We still cannot believe that we are going to do this to our own people. Some of us believe that the Chinese will be running the camps and they will be turned into extermination camps. You would be surprised at level of employment of some of my colleagues. We are not low-level employees. We see exactly what is happening and Trudeau is not concealing what is coming. All of us believe that both Canadians, Americans and Mexicans are going to be exterminated by the Chinese military forces that are overrunning out city….

The Rest…HERE

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