Never forget: If Kamala Harris takes over as president, she WILL come after guns with a vengeance and may send law enforcement to take them
by: JD Heyes
Sunday, August 23, 2020
To be honest, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was never going to pick a Second Amendment supporter to be his running mate.
And we knew that he would never even pick a ‘moderate Democrat’ who recognizes that the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to keep and bear at least some arms (that’s not what ‘shall not be infringed’ means, but…).
However, it’s beyond disappointing to have watched him pick one of the most virulent anti-gunners in the U.S. Senate and someone who literally would send armed federal agents and other law enforcement to our homes to confiscate our guns if given the chance: Kamala Harris.
She said so, in fact.
A year ago following the mass shooting in El Paso, and as she was still among the crowded field of Democratic presidential contenders, she revealed some of her gun control policies to the Washington Examiner.
Asked if they included databases for legal gun owners (there shouldn’t even be any such thing as an ‘illegal gun owner’) and gun confiscation by law enforcement of firearms possessed by people who have been banned from owning guns, she responded, “I’m actually prepared to take executive action to put in place rules that improve this situation.”
That was a thinly veiled threat to do by executive order what will never make it through Congress, at least as Congress is currently made up.
“I also have as part of my background and experience working on this issue, when I was attorney general [of California], and we put resources into allowing law enforcement to actually knock on the doors of people who were on two lists — a list where they had been found by a court to be a danger to themselves and others,” Harris noted further.