“This is a Warning For What’s Coming!” – Veteran and California Business Owner Fed Up with Covid Lockdown Orders Puts County Board of Supervisors on Notice (VIDEO)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
By Paul Martin

By Cristina Laila
Published August 18, 2020

A veteran and business owner living in Shasta County, California is completely fed up with the authoritarian Covid lockdown orders so he gave a stern warning to the Board of Supervisors.

Residents and business owners last week held a rally outside of the Board of Supervisors chamber and demanded Shasta County re-open and lift its ridiculous mask mandate.

Shasta County officials however pointed the finger at Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom.

“Our local health officer has not made any restrictions over and above what the state of California has, so we are doing all that we can to keep the county as open as possible,” Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency Director Donnell Ewert said, according to Redding.com. “We are one of roughly 20 counties that still are not on the (state) monitoring list…so Shasta County is open; it is, again, in the category of most open counties in California.”

Ten people have died from Coronavirus in the Northern California county so the residents have had it with the tyranny.

More than 80 citizens spoke last week asking the Board of Supervisors to open up Shasta County, but one business owner stood out for his bravery and stern warning to the tyrants.

Carlos Zapata warned the masked officials in the Board of Supervisors chamber that a revolution is brewing.

“At first we sat as concerned citizens….as we realized that [Covid] is not as quite as dangerous as we thought it would be, I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice — and you guys are sitting here with your masks on — I don’t blame you for wearing masks because I would be hiding my face if I was you for what you’re doing,” Zapata said.

He continued, “I’m a business owner and I’m telling you, our families are starving — you guys can sit here with your jobs — you’re gonna sit here and get paid to fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman’s doing behind his mask right there.”

Zapata then put the officials on notice.

“Right now we’re being peaceful and you better be happy we’re good citizens, that we’re peaceful citizens but it’s not gonna be peaceful much longer — and this isn’t a threat — I’m not a criminal, I’ve never been a criminal but I’m telling you real good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon. And nobody else is gonna say that. I’m probably the only person that has the balls to say what I’m saying right now.”

“We’re building and we’re organizing and we’ll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement but you won’t stop us when the time comes because our families are starving!” he said.

“This is a warning for what’s coming because it’s not going to be peaceful for much longer! It’s gonna get real!” Zapata said adding he went to war for this country and he’s ready to fight for this country even if it’s against its own citizens.



Carlos Zapata yes California has Red Counties. pic.twitter.com/FVxP8d6ZEn
— (@Americanlll) August 17, 2020

2 Responses to ““This is a Warning For What’s Coming!” – Veteran and California Business Owner Fed Up with Covid Lockdown Orders Puts County Board of Supervisors on Notice (VIDEO)”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    We the people will have to fix things. Take a minute to think about HOW we the people could EASILY stop the riots / terrorism in all cities within 7 days.

    46 III %’ers ( or any good militia, ) deputized by local sheriffs could solve it. They’d only have to do 2 cities and the rest would stop out of fear of them being next.

    7 moving in on a 4 square block area from each street = 28 militia members.

    4 snipers above 4 block area = 4 militia members.

    4 drone and assistant drone pilots to inform ground troops locations and activity of terrorists = 4 militia members.

    2 drivers to block roads at 4 check points = 8 militia members.

    1 radioman with drone pilots to communicate to all militia = 1.

    46 MEN. 46 PATRIOTS. That’s not a lot. 46. Say even 50 tops.

    They could hit one city then one more far from that one a few nights later. They pop in and pop out like ghosts. Shell catchers on their long rifles. Masks. Suppressors. Not a trace.

    Fear would set in to the “terrorists,” and their commie operations would stop.

    50 … MEN. Remember the movie 300 ? Here’s a new movie : 50.

  2. SF Mo

    I like this guy.


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