Red Alert! Frightening Developments In New Zealand with Implications for US

Sunday, August 16, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Sunday, August 16, 2020

In Part One of this series, it was documented that New Zealand was one of the locations that is actively eta testing strategies for the takedown of the United States. The examples are so numerous,that one article cannot document all the avenues that are being implemented.

Disguised Gun Confiscation

It is nearly an impossible task to confiscate the guns from a population where gun ownership was previously unregulated which was the case in New Zealand. However, since the so-called Mosque Massacre,New Zealand’s government has done their gbest to seize the guns. Before going further, please permit a digression. The University of Hawaii has an academic project called the Democide Project. They studies multiple genocides in the 20th century. Every genocide followed gun confiscation. What is going on in New Zealand is not exactly outright gun confiscation, but that will eventually be the result.

The New Zealand government has changed their gun laws and have gone to very strict and unreasonable policies:

To obtain a gun in New Zealand, this is what a citizen must submit to the following:


One Response to “Red Alert! Frightening Developments In New Zealand with Implications for US”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    As usual Hodges gives a list of “our options,” and fails to include founding a new country or “forming militias to resist,” or any such SOLUTIONS. Only options he gives suggest you … “take a knee.” Goooood little MKUltra’d mouth piece. Build up a following over the years that develop a trust in him because he covers naughty news … then push kissing Illuminati’s ass.

    Close site. Stop podcasts. Take a vacation. Get a new hobby. Those are the best things you could do for yourself and America. You’re a decent guy … you’ve just obviously been MKUltra’d at some point in the past.


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