Snipers On the Roof Assassination Teams Have Been Caught Rehearsing for Use In America

Friday, August 7, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Friday, August 7, 2020

Photographed by journalists from Voice of Ukraine, we see pro-Russian forces firing upon unarmed protesters.The pro-Yanukovich forces are pictured above on a rooftop of an Ukrainian house on January, 22, 2014 firing upon unarmed protesters. According to Ukrainian journalists, working for the Voice of Ukraine, this is very common occurrence in which untold numbers of protesters are being murdered on a daily basis.

Communist revolutions, more accurately, George Soros led revolutions consistently use the snipers on the roof phenomena to overthrow existing regimes. This article will briefly review Soros use of this tactic in several successful regime change efforts in recent years. There are clear signs that the United States is about to fall victim to the same strategy.

It wasn’t just the leaders of protesters that were targeted by snipers on the roof in Ukraine, it was also the pro-Russian friendly leaders in Ukraine’s government. The snipers on the roof phenomenon became the leading reason that the Russian-controlled Ukrainian government fell. This was a CIA operation but it involved mercenaries provided by George Soros and these assassins, California based were likely under the control of former California governor, Jerry Brown. The purpose of the move to antagonize Russia because a more western-friendly regime would replace the pro-Putin government. Soros, undoubtedly had the goal of sewing the seeds of World War III. The CIA’s interest was based upon lessening the hold that the Russians had over our western allies in NATO when it came to natural gas of which Ukraine was a major supplier. Snipers on the roof was a central strategy in this successful coup attempt. However, Ukraine was not the only country to experience this strategy in recent years and the central player is always George Soros.


During the Arab Spring, in Egypt, government forces were displaying their favorite tactic in dealing with an unhappy citizenry. During the George Soros led Arab Spring in 2011, they utilized snipers on the roof to eliminate pro-Mubarak leaders. The toll became staggering as the body count rose dramatically with passing day. Americans should take note of this historic event because George Soros was behind the executions. Yes, George Soros who founded Antifa. More on this connection later in the article.


The Syrian civil war is known for its extreme brutality and mindless oppression. Routinely snipers on the roof, Syrian style, were used to execute opposition members as they emerged from home and work, Internationally, Syria became known for placing snipers on the roof and singling out protest leaders, or opposition leaders and then executing them as they walked down the street.


5 Responses to “Snipers On the Roof Assassination Teams Have Been Caught Rehearsing for Use In America”

  1. SF Mo

    Sniper fire works both ways.

  2. Robert Edward Lee

    How can we “adapt” to the snipers ?

  3. Robert Edward Lee

    The snipers will get the death penalty once identified, if cops & militia don’t “take out the trash” first. The apes and wiggers will begin life sentences pretty soon … as we the people have had enough –

  4. BanjoGuy

    Dave is delusional again. He also has his facts mixed up about Russia and Ukraine. This is a nothing burger article…. & BTW the western gov’t did the coop in Ukraine as a favor for the banksters…. Overthru an (reasonably) elected govt of the Ukraine people. Russia didn’t have to intervien, Ukraines and Russians are mingled up so tight it can be hard to separate…. Like Texans and Oklahomans… And BTW the western govts are also trying to take over Crimea, where the UN supervised the election by Crimeans to stay with Russia…. The election didn’t turn out like the banksters wanted, so you never hear about this…..


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