Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots

Thursday, August 6, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: Lance D Johnson
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

The percentage of Americans who plan to get the new covid-19 vaccine continues to fall. Yahoo News and YouGov polled Americans in early May and only 55 percent said they would get the new vaccines. The number shrank to 50 percent later that month and fell to 46 percent in early July. By the end of July, the number had fallen to a mere 42 percent.

In order to manipulate Americans to take upcoming rushed covid-19 shots, the federal government got together with Yale researchers to conduct clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate the public.

Top 10 ways to manipulate the public’s emotions to get them to vaccinate

Since the new covid-19 vaccines are too big to fail, with billions of dollars of taxpayer funds invested into the vaccine companies, the government must make sure that everyone abides by the new vaccine science. The clinical trial tests out 10 different messages about vaccinating and how to best convince people to comply with upcoming vaccines.

The participants in the study were recruited and randomly selected to one of twelve groups. One of the groups served as a control; these participants received messaging on a random topic. Another group served as a baseline and received a universal message about the benefits of vaccinating. The other ten groups were additionally given messages that appealed to their emotions — their guilt, anger, embarrassment, and pride, to name a few. The behavioral researchers are currently studying the participants’ willingness to get a covid-19 vaccine at three months and at six months after it becomes available.

The clinical study also investigates secondary outcome measures. After the messaging, the researchers measured the person’s confidence level toward the vaccine, how willing they would be to persuade others to take the vaccine, how uncomfortable they would be around someone who did not vaccinate, while measuring their trustworthiness, selfishness, likeableness, and competence toward others who do not get the vaccines.

Personal freedom message

This tactic tried to convince participants that COVID-19 is limiting people’s personal freedom (even though government and institutional leaders are the ones restricting freedoms and imposing arbitrary controls). By working together to get enough people vaccinated, society can preserve its personal freedom, according to the message.

Economic freedom message

This tactic tried to convince participants that COVID-19 is limiting people’s economic freedom and instructed that all people work together by vaccinating.

Self-interest message

This message is about convincing people that COVID-19 presents a real danger to one’s health, that their immune system is incapable and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it, no matter if they are young and healthy. Getting the vaccine is the best thing you can do to keep yourself safe.

Community interest message

This message tried to manipulate participants into feeling false guilt for spreading covid-19 infections they don’t have – infections that would most definitely kill their loved ones and the elderly in the community.

Economic benefit message

This message tried to convince people that the only way to boost the economy is to get vaccinated.

Guilt message

This message appealed to one’s guilt, stating that the health of one’s family and community is at risk as long as the majority are not vaccinated. Without the vaccine, everyone spreads infections they do not have. The vaccine science will only work if everyone complies.

Anger message

This message teaches the participant to be angry at those who do not vaccinate because they are putting the health of the community at risk. Anyone who doesn’t comply is an enemy, killing others.

Trust in science message

This message is about putting blind trust in vaccine science and worshiping vaccine orthodoxy. Getting a covid-19 vaccine is the only way to have immunity and anyone who disagrees is ignoring the science.

Not brave message

This message uses peer pressure and a sense of pride to convince people to vaccinate. The message talks about how firefighters, doctors, and front-line medical workers are brave and those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.

The manipulation tactics are right out in the open now. In fact, they are currently being used to control people’s minds and personal freedom. Will you succumb to this psychological abuse?

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