National Security Alert: COVID Tests Scientifically Fraudulent, Epidemic of False Positives

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
By Paul Martin

By David DeGraw, Torsten Engelbrecht, and Konstantin Demeter
August 05, 2020

Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests are used worldwide to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection. An in-depth investigation reveals clear scientific evidence proving that these tests are not accurate and create a statistically significant percentage of false positives. Positive results more likely indicate “ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold.”

In fact, American biochemist Kary Mullis, now deceased, who won the Noble Prize in chemistry for creating PCR technology, repeatedly stated throughout his career that it should not be used to test for viruses. This technology is designed to replicate DNA sequences, not test for coronavirus infections.

Executive Action Required

President Trump must take immediate action to investigate and hold members of the FDA, CDC and WHO accountable for scientific fraud and Crimes Against the Humanity.

If he does not take immediate action, he is thereby complicit in what clearly amounts to Crimes Against Humanity, as this report will detail.
Multiple U.S. Intelligence Community contacts have verified the accuracy of the extensive investigative report, conducted by award-winning journalist Torsten Engelbrecht, featured below. While they do take issue with some of the reports verbiage, they corroborate the main findings: PCR tests should not be relied upon for accurate results and create a significant percentage of false positives.

We also feature a New York Times report from 2007, entitled, “Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t,” which also clearly reveals how scientifically inaccurate PCR tests are, featuring many shocking statements from medical experts on the use of these tests, clearly laying out how they result in false positives and lead to dangerous exaggerations and false alarms.

Note: We are NOT reporting that the coronavirus is a complete hoax. You should take precautions and consult your doctor for best safety practices.


2 Responses to “National Security Alert: COVID Tests Scientifically Fraudulent, Epidemic of False Positives”

  1. SF Mo

    Bio warfare and deception to destroy the United States. Time to fight back with prison guns and U.S. bombs.

  2. “American biochemist Kary Mullis, now deceased”

    Conveniently “deceased” in 2019, just before the plandemic.

    I saw a video on this guy and he was a THORN in the sides of Big Science (falsely so called).

    He would have DESTROYED the PCR narrative….absolutely DESTROYED it.

    Be sure you are saved and not just think you are. Jesus said “few” would actually do what he said. (Matt 7:13-14). “Sinner’s prayers” are not in the Bible. Jesus said eternal life comes at the END of the narrow way. The false teachers and preachers say everyone is saved/born again at the BEGINNING (when they first believe), contradicting the very words of Jesus Christ.

    True salvation:

    [First believe/conversion] > [Narrow way JUDGMENT walk/A process/Takes time/Patience] > [Finding Life/Regeneration/Being born again]

    Oh well, the scriptures must be fulfilled for Babylon-America and the rest of the world.


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