Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions

Sunday, August 2, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: Mike Adams
Sunday, August 02, 2020

We have now arrived at the ultimate moneymaking scam for Big Pharma, a corrupt, criminal industry that’s going to great lengths to pressure Big Tech to censor all speech that doesn’t earn them more profits. Now, vaccine manufacturers like AstraZeneca are openly bragging about how they’ve achieved absolute legal immunity from all side effects caused by coronavirus vaccines, even as “Dr. Evil” Fauci and other pawns of the vaccine industry are pushing for mandatory vaccine injections for billions of people.

You have no right to say no, in other words, but you also have no right to sue if their product turns out to be faulty and causes injury or harm.
This is now the status quo of the lawless, anti-human vaccine industry and all its corrupt collaborators such as Big Tech, Big Media, medical schools and complicit medical journals.

“AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability claims related to its COVID-19 vaccine hopeful by most of the countries with which it has struck supply agreements,” reports Reuters. “The United States… already has a law to exclude tort claims from products that help control a public-health crises in the form of the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness, or PREP Act.”

The vaccine will be forced upon you, in other words, regardless of its safety status. Long-term trials are being completely skipped. Animals trials have been largely abandoned. And Moderna, the most prominent vaccine manufacturer on the covid-19 scene, has publicly admitted that 100% of clinical trial subjects experienced negative side effects in the high dose group, during the second round of injections.

Bill Gates is now publicly stating that “multiple doses” of coronavirus vaccines will need to be forced on people around the world, yet we already see that even during the second dose — not the mention third or fourth doses — side effects hit every single person, indicating they get cumulatively worse with an incremental number of doses.

Greed-driven vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to make coronavirus vaccines safe

The utter lack of financial liability means that vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to follow quality control measures. Since they can’t be sued when their faulty vaccine products cause injury or death, there’s no incentive to make their vaccines safe during manufacturing. Instead, the priority is to rush everything into production as quickly as possible in order to maximize profits and be among the first to market.

Adding to the conspiracy, tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter will of course censor all reports of vaccine injuries, making it nearly impossible for anyone to lodge an honest online complaint about vaccine safety.


2 Responses to “Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    Right after Trump solves the Stimulus drama … he needs to put the arrest machine into high gear. The trash will have to be taken out in September. That includes all of BLM, Antifa, CEO’s of big tech and big pay AND those t-shirt POD companies also violating peoples 1st amendment and of course the deep state dirt bags.

    The rioters / terrorists MUST be surrounded and surprise attacked by real military with real bullets. They are like cock roaches that cannot be allowed to skittle back in their holes to infest another day. WHILE they are out in streets they must be surrounded.

  2. Citizen Kane

    Trump isn’t the solution. We, the people need to come together and solve this once and for all, but I highly doubt that’s going to happen. I’m not going to participate in this voting fraud for Trump or Biden. They’re both just two heads of the same beast. Trump had over three years to go after the criminals like Hillary and drain the swamp, but as always, they’ll say anything to get elected. It’s going to come down to an individual choice whether or not to allow them to vaccinate you. I sincerely believe MOST people, out of fear, will comply. They have a plan for those who won’t and my guess is ISOLATION,INTIMIDATION, and ANNIHILATION, in that order. Their plan for global depopulation is right out in the open. The thin veil of secrecy is quickly coming down. If people aren’t awake by now, they won’t be by the time the military comes knocking on their doors with orders to vaccinate. TRUMP even announced that the military is ready to do this. It’s going to be a tough choice for those with a family to protect. Nowhere to run. Good luck and God bless.


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