Control Of The Internet – It’s Coming Fast – Are You Ready?
by Ken Jorgustin
Jul 22, 2020
Something to think hard about….
The following is a comment from “Modern Throwback” on the Open-Forum. I’ve copied it here as an article. It is food for thought. “The Powers That Be” have a high priority on information control of the internet. They drool at the Chinese censorship model (thanks to Google’s help). The way things are going here, and especially if the Marxists gain control in November, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit. We’re already seeing it – big time. Ask me how I know. Answer: Because I have already been quite affected by it. Okay, on to the article…
Guest article by “Modern Throwback”
The Internet is changing rapidly. Not because of any advancement in computer-related technology. The changes are taking place because of tight-fisted commie clampdowns and the radical leadership running the big show.
Television, especially ‘news’, provides nothing but controlled propaganda, as you know. Television is the best model we have to demonstrate how ‘all-things-Internet’ will be managed in the future:
Social media, websites, blogs, video sites, businesses, search engines, will be completely controlled.
The ultimate goal is for complete control of the Internet world. To continue controlling the world, powerful people need control of the Internet. It is critical.
We are already seeing this. Brazen censorship at Twitter. Demonetized videos on Conservative YouTube channels. Cancelled Twitter and Facebook accounts. Controlled searches on Google. Deleted blogs everywhere.
For far too long, the Internet gave individuals too much personal power. Too much knowledge. Too much individuality. The powerful people know these things must end. The world of people can not be permitted to think independently. Nor can the world of people be allowed to negatively act or react to dictatorial ideologies.
The powerful people have been joined together in previous agenda-driven goals. They are now joining again to form an increasingly powerful conglomerate that will control people, and the Internet. We are watching this happen now.
The Rest…HERE