Gavin Newsom Holds the Key to the Dismantling of the United States…(Spending Time With Daughter In From Ohio This Weekend…)
by Dave Hodges
Sunday, July 12, 2020
In Part One of this series, an outline of the various movements, within the United States, in which there are demonstrative attempts to withdraw from the United States of America and form what amounts to be a foreign country. To date, the two-decade old movement known as La Raza, or Reconquista de Atzlan, presented the biggest challenge to the eventual breakup of the United States. Reconquista proposes seizing the entire Southwest and seizing the propert of and expelling all people of White, European descent. No mention is made with regard to Asians, Blacks or people from a mixed racial background. However, Calexit is back poses an enormous threat to the continuance of the United States as a fully intact country.
Many people have questioned the wisdom of allowing California to withdraw from the United States. The impact would prove to be devastating. Some people say “who cares if California exits the country?” That is an ignorant question. California agriculture dominates the US. Similarly, California retail makes up 30% of the nation’s entire retail revenue. A departed California will economically devastate this country and produce widespread food shortages. This is the globalist goal and as the caravans of illegal immigrants, from Central and South America, arrive, the plan to destroy America will kick into high gear.
Paul Preston, the President of the New California, 51st state movement and myself have done numerous radio interviews on this this topic. The attention we drew to the matter, led the courts to previously declare Calexit, or the “Yes, California” movement to be unconstitutional and the movement appeared to be dead on arrival. However, things have changed recently.
Under its last two governors, Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom, California is mired in treason and massive mismanagement of its State’s money. As Preston and I have covered on multiple occasions, California is hopelessly in debt, a whopping $185 billion dollars in debt (ie fraud and financial mismanagement). California has not spent the Federal COVID-19 funds from the federal government (ie fraud, embezzlement). As a result, California cannot even pay its 2 million jobless claims.
The Rest…HERE
Never will there be so much as a peep from the knee taking face down bowing milk toast independent media about the solution to our problems. Restructure America into a group of Republics so each side / group can have their own Utopia. Paper tigers comes to mind. Brainwashed is more accurate. Even with the other side “demanding” this … the wet noodle ma ma’s boys don’t utter a peep. All they do is re hash old stories and say what they’re ‘gonna do.’
Hey homo’s … how can you have a country with sheboons like this in CHARGE OF your military ???
This article describes the excuses of watchmen we have in America today. But instead of wishing they’d done something from the camps, they’ll be saying how they wished they did something AS THE APES ARE KICKING IN THEIR DOORS. THEY WON’T BE GOING TO ANY CAMPS. Get it through your retarded heads … 1/2 the country’s against us. Mobs and mobs and mobs of apes and wiggers are running wild actually saying they’re com9ng for you in the suburbs AND they’re blocking you on major hwy’s and beating and killing us. What piece of s&it pussy is still afraid of being called a name ? What brain dead flunky still thinks America can be saved as a whole ? Let’s see your list of how to save America as a whole. Don’t have one right ? Of course not because 90 % of what would be on the list wouldn’t get passed through our corrupt infiltrated system. What does that leave ? What solution does that leave ?