Another pro-GMO, pro-vaccine violence, anti-health SHILL exposed – Brandy Zadrozny of NBC News runs a fake news hub

Thursday, July 9, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: S.D. Wells
Thursday, July 09, 2020

This is an inside look at sellout journalism and “buy-in” propaganda posing as real news, and sponsored by everything Monsanto and Bill Gates. Brandy Zadrozny had enough of her regular 9-to-5 job as a librarian, and since she was already a liberal extremist, she decided to pretend to become a journalist and shill for Big Pharma and Biotech. This is the story of a puppet reporter (and liberal extremist librarian) with no integrity or scruples, who’s recently moved from the Daily Beast and ABC News to NBC News, hopping from one fake news hub to another, in hopes of gaining popularity.

Zadrozny is a liberal extremist librarian who was hired by fake news to bash Natural News for exposing the truth about vaccines. She attacks any individual, group or organization that educates the public about the real dangers of vaccines and all the insane ingredients that go into making these concoctions of medical violence. Zadrozny outright promotes chemical and vaccine violence by attacking parents of autistic children, who have suffered and will continue to suffer the mal-effects of being injected with mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and genetically mutated strains of multiple diseases at once.

Then Zadrozny goes after honest journalists who promote safety in medicine and expose all the fraud and corruption in this age of children getting jacked up with 60 vaccines before age six. Autism rates have skyrocketed since the CDC imposed all these toxic jabs on infants and children, and Zadrozny the shill wants more, more, more.

Zadrozny was hired as a character assassin of natural health enthusiasts, but she’s lousy at it

Zadrozny, along with her shilling tech cohort, Ben Collins, published a story blasting Natural News, and its Editor Mike Adams, for speaking positively about the whistle-blowing film called “Plandemic” that exposes many of the plots planned by Bill Gates and the insidious US vaccine industry with Covid-19. The presstitutes always show their truest colors when their fake news narratives are collapsing in front of them, like wife-and-child-abuser Jon Entine, the character assassin, used to do.

Zadrozny went on and on in her rant, accusing Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, of spreading rumors that the coronavirus was a hoax, when, if you just read his articles dating back to March, he predicted the outbreak to be even worse than it is. He warned everybody about what was going on, so for him to help share the informative “Plandemic” movie and interview its star, well, that’s just common sense and insight. There was even a projection model Mike Adams posted way back on March 9th.

In fact, Mike Adams was literally calling out mainstream media for fear-mongering and creating fake news that whipped up hysteria, like when CBS purposely posted propaganda containing pictures from a crowded Italian hospital to make it look like US hospitals were being overwhelmed with Covid-19-infected and dying Americans. So, Ben and Brandy, you were saying?

Brandy Zadrozny – Queen of the fake news “scoop factory” (she’s really a poop-scooper)

Gathering up Zadrozny’s best stories is tougher than gathering the truth. She’s come a long way from the reference desk at Champlain College and that Burlington Public Library, all the way to shilling for biotech and the vaccine industry. She even delves into the three-year-long Russian Conspiracy hoax that was completely destroyed and debunked by Congress.

She published her hit piece on the secret life of a pro-Trump, white nationalist school shooter too. No more Daily Beast. Zadrozny’s new job was to write garbage “hype” journalism that is so bad the White House would be compelled to respond. Good plan. That position is called an NBC national news reporter.

Realize that NBC is the ultimate fake news network. Remember, they are the ones who publish lies regularly, like the one about Trump calling coronavirus a hoax. Trump was in fact the first to ban travel from China to save Americans from the virus.

NBC loves having a total bow-down-tell-me-what-to-write shill who promotes anything corrupt and evil as healthy and good for you, while bashing anything honest and forthright that helps you make informed decisions about your health and livelihood. This is not journalism or reporting, it’s just flat-out fake news and fabricated sophomoric character attacks.

We even see quotes in her ramblings from perverted Dr. David Gorski, a breast cancer oncologist who writes 4,000 word blogs about his patients, while they’re still recovering from surgery, who turn down his chemotherapy recommendations. There’s no going “too low” for this liberal extremist librarian who’s getting paid to “turn press tricks.”

Conspiracy theorist extraordinaire Brandy Zadrozny believes that somewhere in Macedonia lives Trump’s “hub” of fake news websites

Of course, Wired covered the fake news story, along with BuzzFeed, the kings of the fake dossier that started the whole Russia collusion hoax. This means that the Trump organization hired internet scam teams to build bots and the motherboard of all troll farms is located in the northern region of Macedonia, to be specific. It’s Trump’s personal Silicon Valley, in other words, all to push coronavirus disinformation campaigns. This after Trump banned travel from China to contain the spread of the Wuhan virus.

Zadrozny is convinced someone even made $16,000 off promoting Trump, and that is NBC-worthy news about a conspiracy, all supposedly set up by a man who, before taking office as the President of the free world, was already worth $4 billion.

The conspiracy ran deep too, according to NBC’s shill librarian. These “Macedonians” that troll all over Facebook couldn’t give a damn if Trump lost or won, all they wanted was pocket cash to buy materialistic things and pay huge bar tabs. This is the “Macedonian Troll Farm” that Zadrozny is worried about changing the fate of US Presidential elections.

It’s a good thing Zadrozny has a Master’s degree in Library Science, because she’s got a lot of work ahead of her if she wants to call what she reports actual news or, as she would put it, “question-answering information.” The troll farm is at fake news NBC, and they’re led by news fabricators and a liberal hack librarian who has agreed to promote anything evil and unhealthy in this world.

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