‘Up to a Dozen’ COVID-19 Variants in the United States
As the lockdown settled in, so did the coronavirus. And then it began mutating into all sorts of local strains.
David Axe
May. 24, 2020
Six months after the novel coronavirus first leaped from animals to people in Wuhan, China, and three months after the virus began spreading across the United States, scientists are finally beginning to understand the overall shape of the pandemic.
Drawing samples from tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients and decoding the samples’ genomes, scientists are making so-called “phylogenetic” maps of the pandemic over time. The maps help researchers start to answer some important questions.
How did SARS-CoV-2 spread in the absence of travel bans and stay-at-home orders? How did transmission patterns change once countries, regions and cities finally began shutting down? What effect have the shut-downs had on the virus’ mutation? The answers could help inform ongoing efforts by governments, hospitals and businesses to contain the virus and treat its victims. They could also help public-health officials write the playbook for the next global pandemic response. Assuming, that is, that people actually want to learn from the current crisis.
The Rest…HERE
Woops! Gonna need a dozen different CoVid-19 Bill Gates life saving shots now. Somebody is going to make a lode of money or infect a lode of people. Now that they have targeted the elderly, I bet they go after the people of color since they won’t be getting their votes. Operation “The Jig is up”.
Bull SHIT. There exist already hundreds or thousands of variations of CORONA VIRUS world wide, it’s been around a long long time, so one would expect that when checking people for the presence of CORONA VIRUS genetic material, you would find many minor variations from person to person.
Multiple variations of the COLD virus ! Good grief get on with life.
Trump needs to stop the Clinton backed Covid tracers SCAM right now. IF we had an actual independent media, there’d be a petition going around right now gathering signatures to stop this brown shirt crap in it’s tracks.