Infographic: Daily deaths in the United States, by cause – covid-19, seasonal flu, heart disease, cancer, accidents and more
by: Mike Adams
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Because there has been so much disinformation pushed out about covid-19 by some pro-Trump indy media pundits who fail to accurately interpret numbers (like David Knight from InfoWars as well as Dr. David Brownstein), we’ve put together a very clear chart of daily deaths in the United States from all the top causes.
The chart, shown below, may be shared everywhere and clearly shows that covid-19 is the No. 1 cause of death in America right now, on a day-to-day basis.
Citing published CDC data on daily deaths (sources below), the chart shows a snapshot from April 14th, 2020, revealing how covid-19 deaths far surpass daily deaths from cancer, heart disease, accidents, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and other causes.
The 2,407 daily deaths from covid-19, as of April 14th, towers far above the average daily deaths from seasonal flu: just 94.
Importantly, many pro-Trump pundits have broadcast disinformation for many weeks, falsely claiming the seasonal flu is killing over 9,700 American per day (they claim a 10% case fatality rate for the flu, which would be over 3.5 million deaths per year). In reality, the seasonal flu kills less than 1 in 1,000 people it infects, as the CDC clearly reveals in this influenza burden table:
Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States (for the 2018-19 influenza season)
Symptomatic Illnesses: 35,520,883
Medical Visits: 16,520,350
Hospitalizations: 490,561
Deaths: 34,157
Do the math. 34,157 deaths / 35,520,883 symptomatic illnesses is: 0.096% case fatality rate, which is less than 1 in 1,000.
When it comes to navigating this pandemic, it’s important to get the math right.
The Rest…HERE
God I hate when journos cant do basic math. The story indicates that the 35,000 deaths from the flu equals a .09 death rate. Bloody idiots. It equals a .00096 death rate which is much much much smaller than .09. It’s a world of difference but appearently basic math escapes most people these days.