Cops now tracking Easter worshipers license plates in Kentucky: Freedom of religion striped in U.S.
Authorities strip Americans of their freedom to assemble overnight in violation of the U.S. Constitution
By Shepard Ambellas
April 12, 2020
(INTELLIHUB) — Police in Kentucky are now tracking and flagging those who wish to take part in one of the most important days in the Christian faith, Easter, in what can only be considered a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution.
The Orwellian policy was announced by Governor Andy Beshear on Friday during a coronavirus press conference where he expressed his frustration for Christians who wish to assemble during the current stay-at-home order.
To make matters even worse, law enforcement will then show up at the home of anyone suspected of having celebrated the holiday which commends the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Media ITE reports:
Police will be monitoring and recording the license plate numbers of people who choose to attend “mass gatherings” like Easter church service, and then health officials will be dispatched to their homes to put them onto a 14-day “self quarantine” in order to ensure that each person’s decision to attend does not “kill somebody else,” said the governor in his explanation.
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): “The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all.”
To boot, they are now coming for your kids.
The Rest…HERE